Analysis of Random Sequential Message Passing Algorithms for Approximate Inference


B. Çakmak, Y. M. Lu, and M. Opper, “Analysis of Random Sequential Message Passing Algorithms for Approximate Inference,” Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiments, no. 073401, 2022.


We analyze the dynamics of a random sequential message passing algorithm for approximate inference with large Gaussian latent variable models in a student-teacher scenario. To model nontrivial dependencies between the latent variables, we assume random covariance matrices drawn from rotation invariant ensembles. Moreover, we consider a model mismatching setting, where the teacher model and the one used by the student may be different. By means of dynamical functional approach, we obtain exact dynamical mean-field equations characterizing the dynamics of the inference algorithm. We also derive a range of model parameters for which the sequential algorithm does not converge. The boundary of this parameter range coincides with the de Almeida Thouless (AT) stability condition of the replica symmetric ansatz for the static probabilistic model.

arXiv:2202.08198 [cs.LG]

Last updated on 09/07/2022