Publications by Year: 2022

H. Hu and Y. M. Lu, “Universality Laws for High-Dimensional Learning with Random Features,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, in press, 2022. arXiv:2009.07669 [cs.IT]Abstract
We prove a universality theorem for learning with random features. Our result shows that, in terms of training and generalization errors, the random feature model with a nonlinear activation function is asymptotically equivalent to a surrogate Gaussian model with a matching covariance matrix. This settles a conjecture based on which several recent papers develop their results. Our method for proving the universality builds on the classical Lindeberg approach. Major ingredients of the proof include a leave-one-out analysis for the optimization problem associated with the training process and a central limit theorem, obtained via Stein's method, for weakly correlated random variables.
H. Hu and Y. M. Lu, “Asymptotics and Optimal Designs of SLOPE for Sparse Linear Regression,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 7627--7664, 2022. arXiv:1903.11582 [cs.IT]Abstract
In sparse linear regression, the SLOPE estimator generalizes LASSO by assigning magnitude-dependent regularizations to different coordinates of the estimate. In this paper, we present an asymptotically exact characterization of the performance of SLOPE in the high-dimensional regime where the number of unknown parameters grows in proportion to the number of observations. Our asymptotic characterization enables us to derive optimal regularization sequences to either minimize the MSE or to maximize the power in variable selection under any given level of Type-I error. In both cases, we show that the optimal design can be recast as certain infinite-dimensional convex optimization problems, which have efficient and accurate finite-dimensional approximations. Numerical simulations verify our asymptotic predictions. They also demonstrate the superiority of our optimal design over LASSO and a regularization sequence previously proposed in the literature.
L. Xiao, H. Hu, T. Misiakiewicz, Y. M. Lu, and J. Pennington, “Precise Learning Curves and Higher-Order Scaling Limits for Dot Product Kernel Regression,” in Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022.Abstract
As modern machine learning models continue to advance the computational frontier, it has become increasingly important to develop precise estimates for expected performance improvements under different model and data scaling regimes. Currently, theoretical understanding of the learning curves that characterize how the prediction error depends on the number of samples is restricted to either large-sample asymptotics ($m\to\infty$) or, for certain simple data distributions, to the high-dimensional asymptotics in which the number of samples scales linearly with the dimension ($m\propto d$). There is a wide gulf between these two regimes, including all higher-order scaling relations $m\propto d^r$, which are the subject of the present paper. We focus on the problem of kernel ridge regression for dot-product kernels and present precise formulas for the mean of the test error, bias, and variance, for data drawn uniformly from the sphere with isotropic random labels in the $r$th-order asymptotic scaling regime $m\to\infty$ with $m/d^r$ held constant. We observe a peak in the learning curve whenever $m \approx d^r/r!$ for any integer $r$, leading to multiple sample-wise descent and nontrivial behavior at multiple scales. 
H. Hu and Y. M. Lu, “Sharp Asymptotics of Kernel Ridge Regression Beyond the Linear Regime,” technical report, 2022. arXiv:2205.06798 [cs.LG]Abstract
The generalization performance of kernel ridge regression (KRR) exhibits a multi-phased pattern that crucially depends on the scaling relationship between the sample size n and the underlying dimension d. This phenomenon is due to the fact that KRR sequentially learns functions of increasing complexity as the sample size increases; when dk−1≪n≪dk, only polynomials with degree less than k are learned. In this paper, we present sharp asymptotic characterization of the performance of KRR at the critical transition regions with n≍dk, for k∈ℤ+. Our asymptotic characterization provides a precise picture of the whole learning process and clarifies the impact of various parameters (including the choice of the kernel function) on the generalization performance. In particular, we show that the learning curves of KRR can have a delicate "double descent" behavior due to specific bias-variance trade-offs at different polynomial scaling regimes.
B. Çakmak, Y. M. Lu, and M. Opper, “Analysis of Random Sequential Message Passing Algorithms for Approximate Inference,” Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiments, no. 073401, 2022. arXiv:2202.08198 [cs.LG]Abstract
We analyze the dynamics of a random sequential message passing algorithm for approximate inference with large Gaussian latent variable models in a student-teacher scenario. To model nontrivial dependencies between the latent variables, we assume random covariance matrices drawn from rotation invariant ensembles. Moreover, we consider a model mismatching setting, where the teacher model and the one used by the student may be different. By means of dynamical functional approach, we obtain exact dynamical mean-field equations characterizing the dynamics of the inference algorithm. We also derive a range of model parameters for which the sequential algorithm does not converge. The boundary of this parameter range coincides with the de Almeida Thouless (AT) stability condition of the replica symmetric ansatz for the static probabilistic model.