Construction of optimal spectral methods in phase retrieval


A. Maillard, F. Krzakala, Y. M. Lu, and L. Zdeborova, “Construction of optimal spectral methods in phase retrieval,” in Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning, 2021.


We consider the phase retrieval problem, in which the observer wishes to recover a n-dimensional real or complex signal X⋆ from the (possibly noisy) observation of |ΦX⋆|, in which Φ is a matrix of size m×n. We consider a \emph{high-dimensional} setting where n,m→∞ with m/n=O(1), and a large class of (possibly correlated) random matrices Φ and observation channels. Spectral methods are a powerful tool to obtain approximate observations of the signal X⋆ which can be then used as initialization for a subsequent algorithm, at a low computational cost. In this paper, we extend and unify previous results and approaches on spectral methods for the phase retrieval problem. More precisely, we combine the linearization of message-passing algorithms and the analysis of the \emph{Bethe Hessian}, a classical tool of statistical physics. Using this toolbox, we show how to derive optimal spectral methods for arbitrary channel noise and right-unitarily invariant matrix Φ, in an automated manner (i.e. with no optimization over any hyperparameter or preprocessing function).

arXiv:2012.04524 [cs.IT]

Last updated on 04/05/2021